Sunday, February 22, 2009

No. 7 or No. 8?

Part II

So Margo at the Cincinnati Preservation Association provided the information on the background to the Police Station at 355 McMillan. She writes . . .

According to the Bicentennial Guide to Cincinnati (1988): "In 1927, police district boundaries were redrawn, and the station became the Seventh District Patrol House. By 1957, the building was no longer needed and was turned over to the Cincinnati Recreational Commission for renovation as a community center.... As the community oprganizations and the accompanying sense of community identity weakened, the Recreation Commission changed the facility into an Arts Center around 1970. The Fairview Arts Center closed due to lack of funds in 1984, and the city sold the building."

1 comment:

Anne said...

I love this building and remember the Fairview Arts Center from when I was a kid.

Check out, too, the "city barn" on Vine St. near the zoo.