Saturday, July 5, 2008

‘Old School’ Over-the-Rhine

Doing research on a future post and ran across these photos of two schools in Over the Rhine that have long been demolished.

10th District School
Northeast corner of Elm & Canal Streets (now Central Parkway)

This will be a school site again as this is part of the location for the new SCPA.

Webster School
Southwest corner of Findlay & Bremen Streets (now Republic Street)

This site is now part of the Findlay Playground.


  1. Hey Dan - Your blog is great. I am really seeing more of Cincy than ever before. Since you are from Hamilton and I live there, have you ever done anything like this with Hamilton architecture.
    Cousin Doug

  2. lol. Hey Doug. No, but I am planning a Hamilton post at the end of July. It is going to be about Dayton Street.

  3. Another great Resource to find Old Cincinnati is the HABS/HAER Historic American Buildings Survey and Historic American Engineering Record. Ive been doing research on the Dayton Street Historic district and there are many photos of old Cincinnati.

  4. I love Dayton Street. Well at least some parts.

  5. I appreciate the photos, especially the 10th District School. I have met several people who went there. A neighbor was telling me that in it's last years they made it the school where "bad" kids went.

    I think there is an interesting story to tell about how public agencies follow trends, and end up re-bulding what they demolished a generation ago aka: SCPA.
