‘Bau’ is the German word for building. So in honor of Oktoberfest Zinzinnati (September 20 – 21), Queen City Survey is looking at some Germanic influences on Cincinnati, its history, and its built environment in a week-long series we are calling Okto‘BAU’fest!
A walk around Over the Rhine reveals a lot of German inscriptions. You just have to look for them.
Nast Trinity Church (1880)
1310 Race Street
Architect: Samuel Hannaford
1310 Race Street
Architect: Samuel Hannaford

Inscription over the front door:
Erste Deutsche Bischofl Meth. Kirche, Gegrundet 1835
First German Bishopric Methodist Church, Founded 1835
Inscription over side doors:
Erste Bauerrichtet 1842 & Neu Erbaut 1880

Erste Bauerrichtet 1842 & Neu Erbaut 1880
First Built 1842 & Rebuilt 1880
First Built 1842 & Rebuilt 1880
German Mutual Insurance Company of Cincinnati (1870)
SWC Walnut and 13th Streets
SWC Walnut and 13th Streets

Deutsche Gegenseitige Versicherungs-Gesellschaft von Cincinnati
German Mutual Insurance Company of Cincinnati
Deutsche Gegenseitige Versicherungs-Gesellschaft von Cincinnati
German Mutual Insurance Company of Cincinnati
Old St. Mary’s Church (1842)
123 13th Street
Architect: Franz Ignatz Erd

123 13th Street
Architect: Franz Ignatz Erd

Inscription, first two lines:
St. Marien-Kirche
Erbaut von der deutschen Katholiken von Cincinnati
St. Marien-Kirche
Erbaut von der deutschen Katholiken von Cincinnati
St. Mary's Church
Erected by the German Catholics of Cincinnati
St. Mary's Church
Erected by the German Catholics of Cincinnati
The next three lines all say the same thing but in German, Latin, and finally English.
Old St. Paul’s Church (1849)
SEC Spring and 12th Streets
Architect: Seneca Palmer
SEC Spring and 12th Streets
Architect: Seneca Palmer

The first two lines are Latin then two lines of German . . .

Die Gnade unfers Herrn Jesu Christi sei mit euch!
Meine Liebe ist mit euch Allen in Christi Jesu, Amen
Die Gnade unfers Herrn Jesu Christi sei mit euch!
Meine Liebe ist mit euch Allen in Christi Jesu, Amen
The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you!
My Love is with all in Christ Jesus, Amen
The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you!
My Love is with all in Christ Jesus, Amen
Then the Latin phrase meaning the Year of Our Lord, 1849. And finally, more German . . .
Restauriert Nach den Brande vom 19, August 1899
Restauriert Nach den Brande vom 19, August 1899
Restored after the fire of August 19th, 1899
Restored after the fire of August 19th, 1899
John Becker Wine Garden (c. 1874)
1816 Vine Street
1816 Vine Street

Really just the German surname but it is the best German surname ever! John Becker operated his Wine Garden from 1874 to 1903.

German Baptist Church (1866)
"Baptisten Kirche"
SEC Walnut and Corwine Streets

Salem Church of Christ (1867)
"Deutsche Evangelisch Reformirte Salem's Kirche"
NWC Sycamore and Orchard Streets

Dr. Robert DiDonato, Chair of the Miami University Department of German, Russian, and East Asian Languages.
Wimberg, Robert J. Cincinnati: Over the Rhine. Ohio Book Store, Cincinnati, OH. 1987
University of Cincinnati, Department of German Studies Website
Kolping Society House (1870)
1523 Republic Street
Architect: Sigmund Kutznitzky

1523 Republic Street
Architect: Sigmund Kutznitzky

Gott Segne das Ehrbare Handwerk
Gott Segne das Ehrbare Handwerk
God Blesses Respectable Handwork
God Blesses Respectable Handwork
The inscription was added after the Kolping Society purchased the property in 1930.
St. Paul’s Evangelical Church (1850)
SWC Race and 15th Streets

SWC Race and 15th Streets

Deutsche Evangelische
St. Paulus Kirche
Wahrheit, Tugend, Freiheit
Wahrheit, Tugend, Freiheit
German Evangelical
German Evangelical
St. Paul's Church
Truth, Virtue, Freedom
Frederick Hecker Statue (1883)
Washington Park
Sculpter: Leopold Fettweis

Mit Wort und That fuer Volksfreiheit im alten und neuen Vaterlande
With Word and Deed for the Freedom of the People in the Old and New Fatherlands
Washington Park
Sculpter: Leopold Fettweis

Mit Wort und That fuer Volksfreiheit im alten und neuen Vaterlande
With Word and Deed for the Freedom of the People in the Old and New Fatherlands
A number of churches proudly display their original German names.
St. John’s Unitarian Church (1867)
"Deutsche Protestantische St Johannes Kirche"
NWC Elm and 12th Streets
Architect: Sigmund Kutznitzky
"Deutsche Protestantische St Johannes Kirche"
NWC Elm and 12th Streets
Architect: Sigmund Kutznitzky

German Baptist Church (1866)
"Baptisten Kirche"
SEC Walnut and Corwine Streets

Salem Church of Christ (1867)
"Deutsche Evangelisch Reformirte Salem's Kirche"
NWC Sycamore and Orchard Streets

German Evangelical Zions Church (1853)
"Deutsche Evangelische Zions Kirche"
NEC 15th and Republic Streets
(Republic Street was Bremen Street prior to 1919 and is also still visible on the Church.)

Editor’s Note: I’ve been preparing this post for a few weeks so all my photos are from before the wind storm of September 14, 2008, and the subsequent damage to a number of the buildings shown.
"Deutsche Evangelische Zions Kirche"
NEC 15th and Republic Streets
(Republic Street was Bremen Street prior to 1919 and is also still visible on the Church.)

Editor’s Note: I’ve been preparing this post for a few weeks so all my photos are from before the wind storm of September 14, 2008, and the subsequent damage to a number of the buildings shown.
Dr. Robert DiDonato, Chair of the Miami University Department of German, Russian, and East Asian Languages.
Wimberg, Robert J. Cincinnati: Over the Rhine. Ohio Book Store, Cincinnati, OH. 1987
University of Cincinnati, Department of German Studies Website
Next – Part VII: Oktoberfest Zinzinnati
I love these posts! It's amazing how much history is right in front of our eyes in this city - thanks for pointing some of it out.
i thought about writing an article for a class on the presence of german language on cini buildings... if i had seen this then it would have been VERY useful. kudos.
Did you notice last Saturday the condition of the steeple on St. Paul’s?
Wow, I wish I knew some German. Thanks so much for posting all these signs and their translations!
5CHW4R7Z- Yeah, I saw that. I added that note on the post that I had been working on this post long before the wind storm so a couple of teh buildings I posted not have damage. Sad we are going to lose more of the steeple.
I have a beer stein from Germany with the inscription
"gott segne das ehrbare Handwerk".
Google brought me here. thank you for the translation.
alberta handwerk.
Hi Dan,
I was wondering if you'd be willing to share a higher-resolution version of the photo of st. Paul's? I work at an architecture firm in OTR and we are working on the stabilization of the building. It'd be great to get a closer view of what the tower used to look like.
thanks so much
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