Monday, January 14, 2008

Vet Practice on Plum

I noticed on the Downtown Resident’s Council eNews that there is a public hearing for a zoning change for the location of 427 Plum Street tomorrow, January 15 at Noon, City Council Chambers, 801 Plum Street. The zoning change would permit the use of the facility as a veterinary practice.

My immediate reaction was positive. I acyually do not own an animal of any type. But I would think that if someone wants to locate a veterinary practice downtown then they obviously think there is a need for that kind of service and maybe enough people to sustain it. So I wondered if there was a down side and, if so, what is it? Noise is the only thing I could think of. I was reminded an episode of Sex and the City when Carrie Bradshaw was awaken by a rooster from a neighboring Vet clinic. The rooster had been rescued from a cock-fight and it was now hanging out in a cage on the roof. It didn't last there the whole episode.

Dog above Main Street


5chw4r7z said...

I would imagine they might do a good business. Walk around any morning or evening and there seems to be alot of dog walking going on. There's a large cat population in the Shillito/Gramercy buildings and I'm sure else where.

Julie said...

I was just commenting the other day on the lack of veterinarians downtown, and how I'd love to have one. I have cats. Cats do not like cars. This is a great idea.