My immediate reaction was positive. I acyually do not own an animal of any type. But I would think that if someone wants to locate a veterinary practice downtown then they obviously think there is a need for that kind of service and maybe enough people to sustain it. So I wondered if there was a down side and, if so, what is it? Noise is the only thing I could think of. I was reminded an episode of Sex and the City when Carrie Bradshaw was awaken by a rooster from a neighboring Vet clinic. The rooster had been rescued from a cock-fight and it was now hanging out in a cage on the roof. It didn't last there the whole episode.

Dog above Main Street
I would imagine they might do a good business. Walk around any morning or evening and there seems to be alot of dog walking going on. There's a large cat population in the Shillito/Gramercy buildings and I'm sure else where.
I was just commenting the other day on the lack of veterinarians downtown, and how I'd love to have one. I have cats. Cats do not like cars. This is a great idea.
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