Over-the-Rhine Infill Design Charrette
The National Trust for Historic Preservation, Architectural Foundation of Cincinnati, Cincinnati Preservation Association, and the Over-the-Rhine Foundation are hosting a design charrette on Saturday, January 19 at the Art Academy of Cincinnati (12th and Jackson). At the charrette, teams of architects, students, and members of the public will produce designs for appropriate, compatible, and sustainable designs for infill and rehabilitation on multiple sites in Over-the-Rhine.
The National Trust for Historic Preservation, Architectural Foundation of Cincinnati, Cincinnati Preservation Association, and the Over-the-Rhine Foundation are hosting a design charrette on Saturday, January 19 at the Art Academy of Cincinnati (12th and Jackson). At the charrette, teams of architects, students, and members of the public will produce designs for appropriate, compatible, and sustainable designs for infill and rehabilitation on multiple sites in Over-the-Rhine.
The public is invited to attend and contribute to the designs. The free, public event starts at 10AM and goes till 6PM. Please RSVP to info@cincinnatipreservation.org or (513) 721-4506.
Bockfest 2008
Bockfest, a celebration of Bock beer and the coming of spring, will take place March 7 – 9 at various sites in Over-the-Rhine. In addition to the traditional Bockfest Hall and Bockfest Parade, this year there will be the Prohibition Resistance Tour, last given in 2006 during Oktoberfest. Stay tuned for more details!
Bockfest, a celebration of Bock beer and the coming of spring, will take place March 7 – 9 at various sites in Over-the-Rhine. In addition to the traditional Bockfest Hall and Bockfest Parade, this year there will be the Prohibition Resistance Tour, last given in 2006 during Oktoberfest. Stay tuned for more details!

I registered for this within five minutes of finding out about it. Are you going?
No, unfortunately I'm out of town.
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