So CCM opened Assassins last night in the small, Cohen Family Studio Theatre. It was a delight. Fun and funny with, I thought, some great direction and a few stand out singers. And, it was free. But I certainly would have paid to see it. My friend said the direction was different than most productions he'd seen, including a George Bush cameo. (You just have to see it.) They made use of image projected above the main action and it worked well here and enhanced the show rather than detract from it. And used it to much comic effect throughout but none more than during Squeaky Fromme and John Hinkley’s duet. Standout performer to me, by far, was Max Quinlan as the Balladeer and Lee Harvey Oswald. He commanded the theatre with his voice and presence.

Contact CCM for tickets but they are usually sold out by now. Runs through Sunday only.
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